Girl: Mr. Mac, would you rather touch the sun or kiss a boy on the mouth?
Me: Wha?!
Girl (excited): Please say you'd rather kiss a boy on the mouth!
Girl: Mr. Mac, would you rather touch the sun or kiss a boy on the mouth?
Me: Wha?!
Girl (excited): Please say you'd rather kiss a boy on the mouth!
Boy 1: I have like 18 girlfriends.
Me: Wow, that's a do you do it?
Boy 1: I dunno, but I like this other girl too...[girl's name], she's Chinese. I want her to be my girlfriend, but I don't speak Chinese.
Me: Does she only speak Chinese? She doesn't speak English?
Boy 1: No, she speaks English too.
Me: I don't see the problem.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boy 2: My dad has a girlfriend.
Me: Where's your mom?
Boy 2 (frustrated): What?! My mom is married to my dad.
Me: But he has a girlfriend too?
Boy 2 (condescending): Yeah he has a girlfriend too, duhhhhhhhhhh!
Me: Interesting. Oh, and you've got a bunch of slobber on your face.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Girl: Mr. Mac, [Boy 1] said shiiiiit!
Girl: It's an interesting story actually. I let the cat out of the bag one time when my sister told me a secret. She told me that she was a lesbian.
Class (Bonkers): WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????!!!!
Me: Ok, ok, chill out, let's be respectful. [Girl] is this story school-appropriate?
Girl: Yeah...sooooo, I let the cat of the bag when I told my parents that she was a lesbian.
Boy (volcanic interruption): Why would your sister tell you that?
Me: Her sister probably trusted her with the secret. Most sisters I know are very close.
Boy (going for the cheap laugh): Maybe they're a little tooooooooooooo close.
Me: That's five minutes at recess man.
Me: Anybody do anything fun or exciting last night?
Girl: Yeah, we went to a Chinese restaurant, it was so good. BUT, we were the only Mexicans there.
Me: Sweet, I love Chinese food.
Girl: My dad was speaking Chinese to the waiter, but the waiter didn't understand what he was saying.
Me (puzzled): Does your dad know Chinese?
Girl (nonchalantly): Oh no, he was just making up words.
Me: Hmmmm...(as I decided what to respond back) The waiter probably thought your dad was making fun of him because he was making up Chinese words.
Girl (oblivious): Oh, well my sister and I were making Chinese eyes at the restaurant so that we looked like everyone else (as she used her fingers to stretch her eyes towards her ears)
Me: Yeah, you're not supposed to do that either.
Girl 1: Mr. Mac, how old are you?
Me: I'm 27.
Girl 1 (beside herself with excitement): Oooooooooooooooh! My mom is 28...
Me:'re making it sound like you're trying to set me up with her.
Girl 2: Well...what kind of girl do you like? Nerdy, sexy...or lesbian?
Me: Ladies, we aren't having this conversation.
Frat Pres: Well, we killed the guy that flew two planes into the two towers. Osama bin Laden, was he a bad man? How did he fly TWO planes into the towers and survive?
Me: Yep, he was a bad man, that's why we've been hunting him down for the past decade. And he didn't fly the planes, but he was in charge of the terrorist group that did.
Frat Pres: Ok, well anyways I don't have cable but I was watching on the internet. My whole family was so happy...we were all celebrating!
I was so happy I went on the internet and printed a picture of his dead body with all the bullet holes in him and I taped it on my wall.
Me: Wow...
Frat Pres: I'm not finished. Then I got my bow and arrow and started shooting arrows at was so fun.
Me: What?! You were shooting arrows INSIDE your house? Like plastic NERF arrows?
Frat Pres: No!!! REAL arrows, I made them out of wood. I kept trying to shoot the arrows at his head, but I kept hitting him in his privates!!!
Me: Ok, ok, ok...this is getting a little out of control, anybody else have something to say?
Frat Pres: Then we had PIZZA!!! We celebrated by having a pizza party!